F24 l10n test day

More information about the event can be found here: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2016-03-29_Translation_Test_Day
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Fedora Applications [Section I]

Username Profile abrt anaconda authconfig blivet-gui Comments
Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result
eukim ko_KR [1] [2] [3] [4] 1. #1322238, # 1322238, abrt [ko_KR] translation is incompleted.
2. #1322222, anaconda [ko_KR] anaconda translation is incompleted.
3. authconfig [ko_KR] It has same issue as ru_RU reported (#1322192) comment added in this bug report.
4. #1322656, #1321911, blivet-gui is not fully translated
gguerrer Spanish [1] [2] 1. 1. Application shows untranslated
2. 1. Application shows unstranslated
jibecfed french [1] [2] [3] 1. #1321900,
2. #1321910,
3. #1321911,
jsedlak czech [1] [2] 1. #1321910,
2. #1321911,
juliuxpigface italian [1] [2] 1. #1322091,
2. #1321911,
leahliu [1] 1. Made few amendments in Zanata.
leahliu zh-CN [1] [2] 1. #1322192,
2. #132911, The statistic shown in Zanata is 34%.
mariaandrada Brazilian Portuguese [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 1. #1322651, abrt - some strings not translated and not found in zanata
2. #1322649, #, abrt - some strings translated in zanata are not available in the application
3. Made a few translation changes and fixed a few strings not translated previously.
4. Made a few translation changes.
5. #1321911, #, blivet-gui is not fully translated
melodyliu Chinese [1] 1. #1322218,
melodyliu chinese-simplified [1] [2] [3] 1. #1322218,
2. #1322233,
3. #1322228, #, I am afraid the time is not correct when select Asia&Shanghai, my accurate local time is 13:52 at the testing time, while it display 09:52.
noriko [1] 1. #1322194, Help! button translated in zanata but the button shows in English
noriko ja_JP [1] [2] [3] 1. #1322638, (abrt) [ja_JP] partially unlocalized
2. (authconfig), added ja_JP to #1322192 - [ru_RU, ko_KR, zh-CN, ja_JP] Englsih strings in authconfig command output (source translated)
3. (blivet), added ja to #1321911 - F24 blivet-gui is not fully translated
pschindl czech [1] [2] 1. #1321950, Untranslated string: "First detected"
2. #1321911,
sfriedma [1] 1. #1321900, Changed a few strings in Anaconda
sfriedma fr-FR [1] [2] [3] 1. #1321900,
2. #1321910, Changed a few strings in Anaconda (Please disregard my other comment regarding Anaconda, as the wrong bug was reported).
3. #1321911,
snowlet Chinese, Traditional [1] [2] [3] [4] 1. #1322648,
2. When clicking Austrlia->Brisbane, the red pin is located on Darwin.
3. #1321911,
4. Still in English.
ypoyarko russian [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 1. Fixed untranslated strings, please pull updated translation from zanata
2. #1321910, #1322216, Anaconda: "Help" button in English, storage devices status messages in English
3. #1322192,
4. "Usage" and "Options" strings are in English.
5. #1321911, Blivet GUI is mostly in English

Fedora Applications [Section II]

Username Profile chkconfig comps dnf firewalld Comments
Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result
eukim ko_KR [1] [2] [3] 1. Can't find the screen of "Software Selection"
2. #1321913, dnf isn't fully translated
3. #1321920, F24 - firewalld-config isn't fully translated in alpha but is in Zanata. commented in the Bug report.
gguerrer Spanish [1] [2] 1. 1. Software selection screen is not available: unable to test
2. # 1321920 Isn-t fully translated 1321920 1321920 1321920 1321920 Isn-t fully translated
jibecfed french [1] [2] [3] 1. test case has to be updated so we know it needs netinstall to be tested
2. #1321913, Not fully translated in Zanata
3. #1321920,
jsedlak czech [1] [2] 1. #1321947,
2. #1321920,
juliuxpigface italian [1] 1. #1321920,
leahliu zh-CN [1] [2] 1. There is an English string "Last metadata expiration check..." appears in the output of command "dnf update", which was translated in Zanata.
2. #1321920, Few strings are still shown in English in the application, however are translated in Zanata.
mariaandrada Brazilian Portuguese [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 1. Made a few translation changes
2. Can't find the screen of "Software Selection"
3. #1322226, dnf package: some strings translated in zanata are missing in the terminal
4. Also, made a few translation changes in zanata
5. #1321920, PLEASE NOTE - firewalld (Disregard previous comment) - application not fully translated, but in zanata it is 100% translated
6. #1321920, firewalld - not fully translated in zanata
melodyliu chinese-simplified
noriko ja_JP [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 1. Modified some strings better expression.
2. Followed "How to test", there is no "Software Selection" available I can check. The testcase may need to be reviewed?
3. #1322673, (ja_JP) the list of incomplete translation
4. #1322682, (dnf) 'Package' string is not marked as translatable (not available on zanata to translate)
5. #1321920, (firewalld) isn't fully translated but is in Zanata, ja added
pschindl czech [1] 1. #1321920,
sfriedma fr-FR [1] [2] [3] 1. Can't access the software selection screen
2. #1321913,
3. #1321920,
snowlet Chinese, Traditional [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 1. Can't find the screen of "Software Selection"...
2. #1322226,
3. Still in English: --- Delta RPMs reduced 53.9 MB of updates to 18.0 MB (66.1% saved) Running transaction check Transaction check succeeded. Running transaction test Transaction test succeeded. Running transaction ---
4. #1321920,
5. Option -> "Change Log Denied" still in English.<br> Protocols and its description in English. <br>
ypoyarko russian [1] [2] [3] 1. Software selection screen is not available: unable to test
2. Dnf: minor updates to translation, please sync
3. #1321920, firewalld: GUI is partially in English, some strings are translated in zanata, some are not in PO

Fedora Applications [Section III]

Username Profile iok libpwquality passwd policycoreutils setroubleshoot Comments
Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result
eukim ko_KR [1] [2] [3] 1. #1322105, Iok isn't fully translated in alpha but is in Zanata and strings are missing
2. #1322652, #1322652, Some strings are still in English and could not be located in Zanata.
3. #1321930, #1322674, SELinux isn't fully translated
gguerrer Spanish [1] [2] 1. #1322652, Some strings are still in English and could not be located in Zanata.
2. Nothing came out after running command.
jibecfed french [1] [2] 1. #1322105,
2. #1321930,
jsedlak czech [1] [2] [3] 1. iok isn't translated into Czech.
2. policycoreutils isn't translated into Czech.
3. #1321930,
juliuxpigface italian [1] 1. #1321930,
leahliu zh-CN [1] [2] [3] 1. #1322105, Few strings are amended in Zanata.
2. #1322652, Few strings are still in English and could not be located in Zanata.
3. #1322654, Few buttons are not localized in the application, and the content are not found in Zanata.
mariaandrada Brazilian Portuguese [1] [2] [3] [4] 1. Only the space key is translated, but it's acceptable
2. #1322632, #1322652, policycoreutils - Translation requires resync with zanata/ Some strings were not found in Zanata/ Some general translation changes were also applied in zanata.
3. #1321930, #, PLEASE NOTE - setroubleshoot: (Disregard the previous comment) Application is mainly in pt-BR, but there are strings in English that were previously translated in zanata.
4. #1321930, setroubleshoot: all contet in english after running "sealert -b", but it is fully translated in Zanata
noriko ja_JP [1] [2] 1. one string modified for better expression
2. #1322734, (sestroubleshoot) [ja_JP] unable to give correct translation due to a sentence split in two POs (framework & plugins)
sfriedma fr-FR [1] [2] [3] 1. #1322105, Some untranslated strings can't be found in Zanata (e.g. "To English")
2. #1322652, Some strings are still in English and could not be located in Zanata.
3. #1321930, Some strings are untranslated while Zanata shows 100% translated.
snowlet Chinese, Traditional [1] [2] [3] [4] 1. Only the space key is translated, but it's acceptable.
2. #1322632,
3. Boolean -> Active/Module/Description/Name are in English.
4. Nothing came out after running command.
ypoyarko russian [1] [2] [3] [4] 1. #1322105, iok translation is not incorportated into GUI
2. Updated translation, please pull latest from zanata
3. #1322632, system-config-selinux: outdated translation, requires resync with zanata
4. #1321930, sealert -b: GUI is partially in English, needs to be synced with zanata

Fedora Applications [Section IV]

Username Profile system-config-firewall system-config-language system-config-printer virt-manager virt-viewer Comments
Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result
eukim ko_KR [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 1. #1321920, firewalld-config isn't fully translated. commented in the Bug report.
2. #1322221, "Language Selection", Help, Ok are in English.
3. #1322658, English strings in system-config-printer GUI
4. #1323015, virt-manager localized GUI partially in English
5. #1322647, "Failed to connect" message is in English.
gguerrer Spanish [1] [2] [3] [4] 1. 2. #1322221, "Language Selection", Help, Ok are in English.
2. #1322658, English strings in system-config-printer GUI
3. #1323015, virt-manager localized GUI partially in English
4. #1322647, "Failed to connect" message is in English.
jibecfed french
leahliu zh-CN [1] [2] [3] 1. #1322644, Error message is in English
2. #1322221, Screen title "Language Selection", button "Help" and "Ok" are in English.
3. The translation in Zanata is not fully applied to the application.
mariaandrada Brazilian Portuguese [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 1. system-config-firewall - Unable to test it as the gui part of system-config-firewall seems to have been replaced by firewall-config command - Got message "FirewallD is active, please use firewall-con fig"
2. #1322221, #, Screen title "Language Selection" is in English, but translated in zanata.
3. #1322658, #, system-config-printer - Many untranslated strings throughout
4. #1323015, #, virt-manager - Some strings are in English. Also, application doesn't reflect the latest translation from zanata.
5. virt-manager - some strings do not reflect what is in zanata (like string Console) and some of them cannot be found in zanata (such as polling and its options)
6. #1322647, #, virtual-viewer - 'Failed to connect:...' is in English
noriko ja_JP [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 1. Waived - this was instructed by Satya (FLTG)
2. #1322221, (system-config-language) - [All] English strings in system-config-language GUI
3. #1323021, (system-config-printer) - [ja_JP] 'New Printer' window truncated the bottom
4. #1323015, (virt-manager) - [All] virt-manager localized GUI partially in English
5. skiped - unable to create a vm on the vm, thus I can't perform the test X-(
sfriedma fr-FR [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 1. #1321920, Some translated strings are not found in Zanata.
2. #1322644, Error message of using firewall-config instead is in English.
3. #1322221, "Language Selection", Help, Ok are in English.
4. #1322658, Many untranslated strings throughout.
5. #1322646, "New Virtual Machine", "Memory Usage", and several other strings are in English.
6. #1322647, "Failed to connect" message is in English.
snowlet Chinese, Traditional [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] 1. #1322644,
2. Error message of using firewall-config instead is in English.
3. #1322221,
4. "Language Selection", Help, Ok are in English.
5. #1322645,
6. Adjust Firewall screen partly in English.
7. #1322646,
8. New Virtual Machine and Memory Usage are in English.
9. #1322647,
10. "Failed to connect:..." in English.
ypoyarko russian [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 1. Translation is outdated, please pull updated translation from zanata
2. #1322221, system-config-language: window title "Language Selection" is in English
3. #1322658, system-config-printer: some strings are not in a PO, some are in a PO but don't show in GUI
4. system-config-printer: GUI is partially in English, please pull latest translation from Zanata
5. #1323015, virt-manager: untranslated strings here and there, needs to be updated with latest translation in Zanata.

Gnome Applications [Section I]

Username Profile gdm gnome-boxes gnome-clocks gnome-font-viewer Comments
Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result
jibecfed french [1] [2] 1. #1322131,
2. #1322140,
mariaandrada Brazilian Portuguese
snowlet Chinese, Traditional
ypoyarko russian

Gnome Applications [Section II]

Username Profile gnome-keyring gnome-online-accounts gnome-screenshot gnome-shell Comments
Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result
jibecfed french [1] 1. what should be tested in here ? output of gnome-keyring is english only and not meant to be translatable
juliuxpigface italian
snowlet Chinese, Traditional [1] [2] 1. #1322642,
2. Help screen translated, some others not.

Gnome Applications [Section III]

Username Profile gnome-system-monitor gnome-terminal control-center empathy nautilus Comments
Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result
juliuxpigface italian [1] 1. #1322120,
snowlet Chinese, Traditional
ypoyarko russian [1] 1. #1322120, Gnome-terminal: some strings are in English

Gnome Applications [Section IV]

Username Profile NetworkManager shotwell rhythmbox evolution gedit Comments
Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result
jibecfed french [1] [2] 1. nmcli exists, but not with "nm", "con" or "dev"
2. bug in translation, non related to alpha
juliuxpigface italian [1] [2] 1. GNOME User Documentation lacks of Italian translations. I closed 1322104: it's not a bug.
2. #1322104,
melodyliu chinese-simplified [1] 1. # nmcli dev Partially translated.
snowlet Chinese, Traditional [1] [2] 1. #1322640,
2. nmcli con/dev in English.

Gnome Applications [Section V]

Username Profile gnome-packagekit gnome-photos bijiben gnome-weather gnome-abrt Comments
Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result Enter result
gguerrer Spanish
juliuxpigface italian
snowlet Chinese, Traditional [1] [2] 1. #1322639,
2. System, Basic, Bugzilla - Reporting Configuration in English.

Firefox tests

Username Profile Firefox Comments
Enter result
bridouz french [1] 1. OK
gguerrer Spanish
jibecfed french
juliuxpigface italian
melodyliu chinese-simplified [1] 1. #1322265,
snowlet Chinese, Traditional

Nice to test

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